Monday 19 March 2018

Visit To sonmarg

Hello Friends! Let me take you now to the famous hill station know as the travel the snomarg. the sonmarg is the place famous for its green meadon full of green grass and beauty of the  kashmir the high mountains. the is snomarg is know as the meadow of gold which means the greeny land all over with the snowy mountains and the sound full of streams and water falls. The place sonamrg gives basically to the three rovers that is the three sisters known as the Himalayan glaciers, kolhoi glaciers,machoi glaciers with peak high of 5000 meteres. The sonmarg is situated at the bank of the nallah Sindh.

Let me tell you that the sonamarg is the Himalayan area where you can see green meadows and the bundle of mountains covered . the sonamarg remains cool all over the  year. This is the place where the mainly rainfall occurs een if the place dry, The snomarag is the beautiful place. The snow in the sonamarg is like a white carpet. The sonamarg is easy to go from the airport inky 3 hours from the Srinagar airport to the sonamarg by car . The sonamarg is the toursist attractive place with the scenic beauty of meadow and the mountains. The sonmarg is open in the mouth of april for the traffic for the leh ladakh to go to the kargil. Usually till april highway is closed due to high snown. In the sonamarg there are many families living permanately in snowmarg. You will find number of horses in the sonamarg and the pony wales in the sonamarg. The your car will not access to the tajwass glaciers as from there you have to book pony or a prepaid car to go to the higher himalays.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Famous Hill Station of Kashmir Gulmarg

Hello Friends, Toady I will introduce you to the famous hill station know as the gulmarg, Let me take you the pleasant place where you can see the full snow mountains during winters. It looks like a paradise of snow in the winters. All the mountains are been covered by the snow . The beauty of gulmarg is delight full. Once you visit this place you would like to visit again and again. The gulmarg is the famous skinning place where you can skinning in the winters. The gulmarg is the sports place in winter . In the winter starting from December to February you will see  famous the snow place. the mountains all white with snow in the place. the people go to gulmarg for the snow competitions. The weather is too cold but still the people enjoy the snow ride. It is the snow season hotels are booked even the local people of Kashmir go to the gulmarg. the life becomes charming when there is heavy snow. Most of student go for the skiing as the have holidays during this time of the winter. Even in the spring you will see the high mountains covered with the lash green grass the beautiful place with the meadows which is situated in   the district baramula . The town is situated in the pir panjal west Himalayas.

In the Gulmarg you will find out the gondola the cab car which was made a French artists and by the gondola you can see the mountains it will make you go pass from the one phase to the other and as you will you go the high phase you can see all the snow mountains in the winters and in the summers you can see the green grass meadows.

The Gulmarg also have Golf course quit famous one which was constructed by the  British in the earlier times they would will come to the resort to play gold.

In the Gulmarg there is a famous temple know as maharani temple (the temple of Shiva and parvati). This temple is visible from the all the corners of the Gulmarg also the catholic church is there in gulmarg she is been established during the British rule.

Maharani Mahal

ST Mary's Church

Kashmir since 1993 to 2018

Hello friends ,let me tell you about how the Kashmir as been change since last 25 years. The wide changes has been occurred since these 25 years. The development has been occurred the policy has been changed.  you will notice change the people thoughts culture has been changed. In 1993 I got my first child my girl at that time the  private hospitals where not some much recognized . Now you will the private hospitals more communication.

The culture has been changed let me first of all talk about the dressing . The dressing of women have been changed are moving to the modern culture. In these days since past the girls have different view point. The education the are girls are more promoting every one want a there girl to learn study. the view point has been changed . people are moving towards the modern culture. As far I have seen that the hijab is the most important think of the Kashmiris  and they will never go out without the hijab. So now a days the modern types and styles of hijabs ,,the new coloured beautiful dress the girls are wearing.

Now a days all the parents was there kids to groom ,friends let me tell you one think Kashmiri girls are beautiful, they like to boost themselves. Even in the villages you can see the changing youth modernization. Even now the parents allow there kids to go to study outside of the Kashmir. The life has been modernized but you can see the teachings have not been changed. the teachings are the same, they respect there elders, the life in Kashmir is full of believes and they trust each other and respect each other.

Since the last past years many changes has occur ,let us talk about the indra Gandhi tulip garden which was established in 2007 in order  to model the floricultural. In the tulip garden you will see many flowers structure in a terrace of flowers beautiful rows of flowers. Expect tulips you can see many other flowres like daffodils in white and yellow colour. the tulip festival in annually . every year the tulip festival starts from the 1 april to 15 of april. It is the best time to see the best tulpis around.

Monday 12 March 2018

Speacial about shikares in kashmir

Friends as you know all about the houseboats dallake and Srinagar ,now I am going to tell some details about shikares as you all will confused between shikares boats and houseboats. Let me tell you the difference between the shikares boats and the houseboats . The difference between shikares boat is that it is  a small boat than the house boat. In the houseboat we can sleep and spend night it is like a hotel or a house. But in shikares its only for the ride, it is used as the means or modes of the transport to travel across the lake . Now by you have got the clear vision and the difference between two of them.

Now let me tell you about shikares it is the small oat in which 4 person will be accommodated to cross the lake from the houseboat to the shikares ghat and is used to go for the ride across the dallake and used for the travel in the night to enjoy the moon light and the starts and the fresh air around the dallake .

           Meanwhile now you will be confused between the different types of boats or shikares . there are various types of boats as I have been described one of them that is shikares.

1. shikares:- The shikares is the boat where 4-5 person are accommodated in it. it has pillows and a one shikares man who can ride you sometimes if there is family 6 of you go in shikares than 2 shikares mans ride the shikares. It has four curtains around to help you from the sun.


2. shikares Shop:- The other type of the shikares is the shikares boat shop in which you will find the food of the daily uses ,it is the same shop of food containing all the soft drinks ,snakes etc.




3. Shikares Market;-  in the shikares market you will find the famous wooden boxes selling, saffron selling, and the Kashmir shawls selling on the lake and also the fantastic Kashmiri jewelleries and the pretty wooden bracelets and boxes. 


4. The Boat:- It is the simple boat which is been owned by the houseboat families. Its there for there personal use and families like a 2 wheelers. It is also in different shapes and colour.



5. The other boats:- This boat is know as the dame nave a special boat for collect weed from the dallake to clean the lake and other boat is the fishers boat to catch fishes in the dallake,


The Culture Of the kashmir

Friends, Now I am going to tell you something about the culture of the Kashmir. now are going to talk about the culture tradition norms of the Kashmir, what is the Kashmiri peoples culture and how they go through it. Let me started telling you about the unique culture of the Kashmir. The Kashmir is first of know as the beauty of the Kashmir's there white in skin colour in most of the parts of Kashmir and rest are not too dark ,there are red like Kashmiri apples, the girls are mostly named as the (Kashmir Ki kale) that is the flower of the Kashmir. the language of the Kashmir is so different that you come to know he/she is a Kashmiri. there are various languages spoken in Kashmir. In Srinagar you will find the Kashmir language spoken and parts of pahalgam that is upper parts ,the people living in the mountains of Kashmir can easily spoke gujari ,dogri,.As we are speaking about the culture of the Kashmir let me tell you the Kashmiri's are simple innocent and the truthful. The love making friends and they enjoy each others happiness, In the ancient times the girls of the Kashmir would be wearing long dress know as pheran and the colourful dupaths on there head, and men would wear long shirts.. As the globalization has been occurred every where so the Kashmiri girls now a day wears the long suits with the covered there heads with hijab and the boys were the modern dress as other places. the Kashmiris culture is the well know they were been used have more restrictions for women's than mans . they would usually have the girls been in home and the boys can stay away of the home. The culture so unique when were you meet a person in Kashmir he/she will welcome you at home to have a tea with them, the traditional and famous tea of the Kashmir know as the noon chai. The Kashmiris ha the unique feature of getting up early in the morning and starting there day before sunrise . At early 5 in morning you will hear the azana the prayer sound from the near by local masjid and the family's wakes with it. The would wake up dress go for the prayers have there breakfast the famous noon chai wit the special Kashmiri bread know as the kandri roti. The Kashmiri in there lunch and dinner love and rice ,the rice is the special food which they like to have ,the Kashmiri's cannot live without rice ,you can see tanks of the rice in there house stored for a longer period of time.

Pharan For male

pheran for women

In winters the Kashmiri's will store all the winters thinks like charcoal wood for the cold weather. The Kashmiri's use the kagries there traditional firepot to heat them up in the snow and cold wheatear. They will wear there traditional pheran in the winters o arm them up. You can see the different kinds of the pheran in Kashmir for the women different designed pheran with the special work on them with silver and gold thread  and also coloured thread. The women looks too beautiful in the pheran with there beautiful hijabs. In winters the Kashmir people prefer to eat the dry vegetables, which they have been dried in the and than stored for the winters. In winters every home in Kashmir would have the heaters and Bukhara's to warm them up. In the earlier times they would use the samaware it is the kind of hot pot with the charcoal to store a hot tea and serve the hot and fresh. Now days its not practice so much only in the special occasions.



Housebaot in srinagar

Hello  Friends, Now in this post I will give you the detail about the houseboat as you all my dear friends will eagerly  to know about what a houseboat is and how a house boat is been build  and all the knowledge you eagerly what there what to know. Let I introduce you to the houseboat what a houseboat is and what a houseboat really looks like its shape and features.

The houseboat is the wood boat. It contains of the special kind of the grass and the wood. It is surrounded by the water every where . It has the bottom wood  she is made of the big pieces of the wood and these piece are been collected tighter by the special types of the grass. This is the bottom the boat and the upper of the boat the rooms are made of walnut wood and the carvings are made. all the carvings on the boat are made of the wood by an special Kashmiri artists. The each bat contains different designs of the carvings. The houseboat consists of the 3 to 4 rooms depends on the size of the boat. it takes years to build a houseboat. In each houseboat if it has a 3 rooms 6 people are accommodates and in 4 bed room room 8 people are accommodated. the houseboat consists of dinning room, sitting room, bathroom, with each room attached and a special balcony where you can see the view of the dallake.

Every houseboat is different in its way and its shape and size .All the houseboat contain different structure ,Different design. There are various types of the houseboats small to the large and the donga boats, some boats are superior with the carvings and others are simple without carvings. Staying in the houseboat is so delightful that one should go there to  stay in there life time. You will meet houseboat families which astonish your mood ,the people are simple and helpful they welcome there quests with the happy hearts.

About Srinagar City

Hello Friends

As in the Previous block I have been told you about my history family background how I have been started my business what were my weakness and how I am here today. So after all that  you are familiar about me and my background let me know let you about the Srinagar city where from I belong . I want to tell you the beauty of the Kashmir about its hills ,about its mountains ,about its unique beauty, its simplicity, and what not. Let me start to introduce you about the Srinagar the Srinagar consists of many area like lalchowk  the city of the Srinagar the main hear where you can find the shops for shopping ,the lalchowk is the place of the crowd connect with the lalcowk is dalgate which is close by the dallake . At the end of the dalgate you will find the scenic beauty of the dallake. The floating houseboats ,the floating shikares and the floating tuck shops, and you will find the shikare ghats after very 10 minutes of walk on the boulevard .The boulevard is the place which is surrouneded by the shops and opposite of the boulevard there is a dallake surrounded by houseboats. The Boulevard anthe dallake looks too beautiful in the night when the lights is on . the fresh air and moon light fascinates the person. The slow winds and the twinkling stars boosts the mood and the stress. after the dallake there comes nehrupark ,the park which is in between the santoor and the golden lake, the Nehru park is surrounded by the water all the sides and is suituated the the military camp in the dallake. After the Nehru park when will cross the lake you find the famous zambarwan park which is covered by the zabarwan mountains and beautiful view of the will feel astonished by the zabarwan park and at the evening Kashmir music will make you feel the taste of the kashmirs tradition.

After you have been visited to zabarwan park ,next you will find a corn point. where you will find fresh corn and the barbeques you will love it by enjoying the view of the dallake and the beauty of dallake with the big fountains all around. After the corn point you will find the botanical garden parimahal,the pari mahal know as the fair land where from you can see the thebeauty of dallake,after this you find out Shalimar bagh and nishat bagh know as Mughal gardens. After the Mughal gardens a miles across you will find the famous daragh kow as the hazartbal the white mosque.Now you will be towards the old city where you will find the the small towns like khanyar nowhatta and in nowhatta you will find the famous gurduware and after that will reach dalagate from the other side where you will find the famous temple on th high mountain .
Further on the Srinagar city consists of the karanangra,chattabal,nowgam,hyderpora etc